The Blue Whale, one of the rarest of all whales and the largest animal ever lived, is
probably on top of the bucket list of anyone into whales and dolphins. Safe to say that the
highlight of our snorkeling and whale watching trip was definitely meeting those gentle
giants in the Komodo National Park.
All you need for a moment like that: a marine biologist with expert knowledge on whales
and dolphins, binoculars and a boat, the whole wide ocean plus a little bit of luck and a lot
of patience. After ticking off several dolphin species within the first days (Bottlenose,
Spinner, Risso’s, Melon-headed Whales) it was finally time for something “real big”.
Two blows appear in the distance which turn out to be mother and calf. Slowly and over an
hours time, we approach and follow the Blue Whales before finally being right next to
them on the boat! We can hear the water splashing, watch their gigantic backs before
diving into the ocean again – what a perfect moment and great memory of a fantastic trip
together with Charles Anderson, pioneer of whale and dolphin watching in the Maldives.
Mermaid I Bali-Komodo-Maumere
October 11-20,2015
Sonja Geier